Erin O'Riordan writes smart, whimsical erotica. Her erotic romance novel trilogy, Pagan Spirits, is now available. With her husband, she also writes crime novels. Visit her home page at
Monday, October 31, 2011
Santa Muerte ~ Saint Death
Although worship of goddesses is becoming increasingly mainstream in the United States, the dominant religion in America has always been decidedly patriarchal. Mexico, dominated by Spanish culture and ruled for years by a strict form of Catholicism, may at first glance seem to be an even more patriarchal society. Yet the goddesses of the Aztecs and other indigenous Mexican peoples never really went away. Subsumed into Our Lady of Guadalupe and, more recently, Santa Muerte, goddess worship is making its way into Mexican and Mexican-American cultures. Similarly, Haitian immigrants to the United States are spreading the worship of Maman Brigitte, a cult figure similar to Santa Muerte.
Santa Muerte, whose name means “Sacred Death” or “Saint Death,” is a figure worshiped increasingly in Mexican and Mexican-American communities. Although references to her date back to about 1965, she’s gained popularity in the last 25 years or so. Sometimes depicted as a skeleton or a woman with a skull face, Santa Muerte often holds the traditional European symbols of mortality, such as the Grim Reaper’s scythe or an hourglass. These images were influenced by European art. Different aspects of Santa Muerte are invoked for different purposes: Black Santa Muerte for cursing enemies, White Santa Muerte for cleansing and blessing, and Red Santa Muerte for petitions of love, lust and passion. The red aspect of Santa Muerte is said to be the most popular.
In the indigenous Mexican religion, Santa Muerte’s antecedent is Mictlantecihautl or Mictecacihautl, “The Lady of the Land of Death.” She’s a sort of Mexican Persephone, mistress of the god of the dead and protector of souls in the underworld. The original Day of the Dead, observed at the end of July/beginning of August, was dedicated to her. The Spanish moved it to the Christian All Souls’ Day, November 2nd. Her color is red, and offerings of blood were made to ask her for a peaceful death.
In her red aspect, Santa Muerte resembles Tlazolteotl, the Aztec goddess of love and sexuality. Called “the lady of filth,” Tlazolteotl presided over pleasure. Her priestesses were sacred prostitutes. Owls were sacred to her, and depictions of Santa Muerte with an owl perched on her shoulder reflect Tlazolteotl.
For many worshipers, Santa Muerte is more powerful than the traditional icon of Mexican Catholicism, The Virgin of Guadalupe. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is said to have appeared to an Aztec man on the hill of Tepeyac on December 12, 1531. (The twelfth of December is the Catholic Church’s Feast of Immaculate Conception, honoring Mary.) of She told him to present himself to the Catholic, Spanish archbishop of Mexico City. When he did, his cloak was miraculously filled with blooming roses and the image of Mary standing on top of a crescent moon. A church was built in honor of the Virgin on that hill, and today the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe is Christianity’s most visited shrine. The Aztec man was baptized and renamed Juan Diego; his Nahuatl-language name is lost to history.
The name “Guadalupe,” which is also the name of a town in Spain, but which seems to have no direct connect to the saint’s appearance at Tepeyac, may be from the Nahuatl word “coatlaxopeuh.” The word sounds rather like “Guadalupe,” and translates as “she who crushes the serpent.” The serpent represented the native Mexican religion. Thus, the mother of Jesus was out to crush the indigenous religion. At the same time, she absorbed aspects of it.
The Virgin of Guadalupe’s indigenous antecedent is Tonatzin, the Moon Goddess, a milder aspect of Coaticue. Coaticue was the Lady of the Serpent Skirt, the creator-goddess who gave birth to all the deities and to earthly life as well. At death, she swallowed living things back into her body. She was also goddess of the moon and stars. She wore a necklace of skulls (like India’s Kali) and, as her name implies, a skirt of serpents. She is sometimes depicted as wearing a skirt made from the penises of her sacrificial victims.
Tonantzin, to whom the shrine at Tepeyac hill was originally dedicated before the basilica was built, was a gentler form of the Lady of the Serpent Skirt. She was worshiped at the Winter Solstice, when she walked among the people in a white gown covered with feathers and seashells. Her symbolic death mimicked the apparent “death” of the sun at the solstice, on the shortest day of the year. Tonantzin, like Mary, was called “Our Mother,” and she was revered as the giver of corn to the human race. She’s worshiped as goddess of the fertility of both the earth and of human beings. Tonantzin’s other name is Chicomecoatl, or “Seven Serpent,” seven being her sacred number. As Chicomecoatl she forms a holy trinity with Xilonen (“Young Corn Mother”) and Ilamatecuhtli (“Old Princess”).
Another Central American deity, Maman Brigitte, also has roots in the European religions. Maman Brigitte, a goddess of death in the Voodou religion, is a spiritual descendant of Brigid, the Irish Celtic mother goddess, or “Mary of the Gaels,” as she was known to Irish Christians. Brigid, or Bride (pronounced “Breed”) was also worshiped in parts of Spain and France. She may have come to Haiti via Scottish or Irish indentured servants.
Like Santa Muerte and Coaticue, Maman Brigitte is associated with death; she’s said to inhabit cemeteries. She drinks a mixture of rum and hot peppers; extremely hot peppers are used as test of validity on women claiming to be possessed by Maman Brigitte. Her dancing skills are legendary, and her dance is a sexually suggestive one.
According to Brigitte’s followers, after a person dies, her soul enters the waters, and she loses all consciousness. It’s from here that Brigitte retrieves her. Like Persephone in Greek mythology, she is goddess not only of death but also of resurrection. Like Mictlantecihautl, she protects the dead, especially if their graves are marked with a cross. Like Brigid in Celtic mythology, Maman Brigitte is also prayed to for healing.
Despite the strong influence of Catholicism and Christianity in modern American cultures, indigenous deities survive. In fact, ancient goddesses thrive and are becoming a more important part of mainstream religion by the day. Slowly but surely, matriarchy is making a comeback.
Gray, Steven. “Santa Muerte: The New God in Town.” October 16, 2007. Accessed March 15, 2010 from the Time Magazine website at,8599,1671984,00.html.
Leovy, Jill. “Santa Muerte in L.A.: a gentler vision of ‘Holy Death.’” December 7, 2009. Viewed March 16, 2010 on the Los Angeles Times website at
Negro, Brujo. (n. d.) Viewed March 16, 2010 from the Brujeria website at
“Our Lady of Guadalupe.” (n. d.) Viewed March 16, 2010 from the Sancta website at
Roibin. “South-American Realm.” (n. d.) Accessed March 16, 2010 from the Shrine of the Forgotten Goddesses website at
“The Ancestral Lwa - Baron, Maman Brigitte, and the Lwa Ghede.” September 24, 2009. Viewed March 16, 2010 at the Meta Religion website at
Wolf, Eric R. (n. d.) “The Virgin of Guadelupe: A Mexican National Symbol.” Viewed March 16, 2010 on the Mexica Uprising website at
“Virgin of Guadalupe, or Aztec Goddess?” (n. d.) Viewed March 16, 2010 at the Wilson’s Almanac website at
Photo credits:
Red Santa Muerte - public domain image
Virgin of Guadalupe - LaserLes, Creative Commons license
Kali - public domain image
St. Brigid of Ireland - public domain image
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Ready For the Next Blog Hop? Thanks for the Books event
Hopping by from the Coffin Hop? See Monday's giveaway post here.
As much fun as we're having with the CoffinHop, we don't want the fun to end with All Saints' Day, right? Right. To that end, I present the Thanks for the Books Blog Hop, November 1-14, hosted by Grace Fonseca at Livre de Amour.
To enter the giveaway, follow Pagan Spirits book blog through Google Friend Connect, then leave a comment on this post, or any post that debuted during the contest period (November 1-14, 2011). Please include an e-mail address with your comment so I can contact you if you win. I am in the U.S., but both U.S. and international submissions will be accepted. The winner will be chosen randomly.
The prize is a grab bag of three paperback books:
Steamlust: Steampunk Erotic Romance, edited by Kristina Wright
The Transformation by Natasha Rostova - Erotica
The Heights: A Contemporary Imagining of Wuthering Heights by Brian James - Young Adult Romantic Fiction
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Halloween Blog Swap Winning!
I'm pleased to report that I received a most exciting package from Celia Ybarra at Celia's Way. She and I had each other in the Halloween Blog Swap hosted by Rachel at You Just Can't Google Everything and Star of Star's Pink World.
Please excuse my photos. I'm much more of a wordsmith than a visual artist. My preferred medium is collage, not photography. And I don't want to hear it if you can spot the asparagus stain my dad got on my Bed, Bath and Beyond tablecloth.
Now, what could possibly be inside this seasonally-appropriate orange and purple tissue paper?
I think I'll open the little ones first.
Cool! It's three cute little scarecrows, and nail polish in pumpkin orange, black and sparkly purple.
These little scarecrows will make friends with my collection of little wooden Halloween decorations. Now for the biggest package:
Celia thought of everything, right down to this personalized gift label with some beautiful sunny limes. I wonder what's inside?
Pure chocolaty, nutty joy! Thank you, Celia!
Texas is a long way from the Midwest, and I send her package USPS rather than FedEx, but I really hope she gets her package before Halloween. I'll be bummed out if Celia does not get to open the chocolate-dipped Halloween Oreos and other goodies I sent her in a box wrapped in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven."
Now jump back into the Coffin Hop and get your own trick-or-treat swag from some fab horror authors!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Online Dating: 5 Tips on How to Avoid the Risks
We’ve all been there. On some horrifying date that your best friend set you up on where it was all you could do not to get up and run for the door…leaving you questioning your friendship with your “best friend” and the entire human race in general.
So maybe now you’ve decided to try your luck on the internet dating scene. Well, the good news is there are many positives about using the World Wide Web to begin a quest for a romantic relationship with another human being. But with the good comes a few risks. And unfortunately in this day in age, having your heart ripped out and stomped on isn’t the only thing you have to watch out for.
There are several dangers involved with online dating and if you plan to join the cyberspace arena of love, you’ve not only got to arm yourself with the knowledge to maintain a heart that is intact, but with the knowledge to maintain your safety as well.
Tip #1: Be careful when creating your profile. Being that your information is available to anyone once it reaches the web, it is extremely important that you do not include any personally identifying details in your online dating profile. While you should create a profile that is chalk-full with plenty of original information that will set you apart from the rest of the online daters out there, here are a few items in which to omit:
• Home address
• Business address
• Phone number
• Personal email address
After you get to know someone via a safe and secure online dating site, then it would be appropriate to exchange emails and phone numbers—but take it slow when exchanging information and make sure this person has made you feel comfortable and is worthy of your trust.
Tip #2: Watch out for evil con artists. For the most part, the majority of online daters are just like you: innocent daters subscribed to dating sites, looking for love with good intentions in mind. But there are, however, some subscribed for reasons not so pure. Recently, many online daters have fallen victim to the twisted hands of financial scammers. These people are con artists who are signed up to dating websites to prey on others by seeking out their vulnerabilities with the goal of financial gains. If you think you could be dealing with a scammer, be on the lookout for these tell-tale warning signs:
• Profile pictures that resemble a model straight out of a magazine
• Confusing names or conflicting information is given
• Love is confessed at warp-speeds
• Flowers and other gifts are sent right away
• Poor grammar/language that doesn’t align with their alleged education level/career/life status
• Asking for money to help with some dire situation
Tip #3: Watch out for two-timing, married cheaters. Unfortunately, there are creeps out there who are signed up to dating sites, typing away to singles whilst wearing a token of forever around their left ring finger. No one wants to get involved with someone who is married. So before you find yourself wrapped up in the throes of some sorted love affair, look out for these red flags that will warn you if someone you met online has seemed to forget about their vows:
• Zero profile picture
• Erratic/irregular responses, emails and phone calls OR calling on a very strict schedule
• The person asks for your phone number but is unwilling to give you theirs—you might get a cell number if anything
Tip #4: Date in a safe fashion. This doesn’t mean you have to pack a Taser or brush up on your kickboxing skills before you go on a date, it just means you need to arm yourself with the smarts to play it safe…because you just never know who you could be meeting. Follow these first date guidelines and you are unlikely to find yourself in a questionable situation:
• Never have your online friend pick you up from your home or place of business—meet them at a crowded, public venue.
• Make sure you let a friend or family member know the name of your date and where the two of you are going. Call this friend or family member when you get home to let them know you arrived back safely and in one piece.
• Be observant and aware of your surroundings at all times. As alcohol is known to hamper judgment, it is a good idea to keep the drinks to a minimum.
• Never leave drinks or personal belongings unattended.
Tip #5: Always play the game by your rules. If you and your online fling have decided to exchange numbers or to meet up for a date, be sure to always keep things on your terms. Don’t let someone talk to into doing something that makes you uncomfortable. Listen to your gut—if you feel like something is wrong, there is a good chance that it is. It is best to trust your intuitive side rather than trust someone you don’t know who could possibly subject you to harm. Don’t be ashamed of your precautionary behavior—remember, your safety is of upmost importance and those who have the right intentions will respect and understand your need for protection.
The above article comes to us from guest poster, Amy Reynolds, who writes on topics such as this for some of the best adult dating sites.
Note: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I present this post to help increase awareness of relationship violence.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Maxim Jakubowski releases 'Ekaterina and the Night'
Hopping by from the Coffin Hop? See Monday's giveaway post here.
I'm thrilled to have had the chance to interview renowned author and editor Maxim Jakubowski. If you're not familiar with his biography, he's of Russian-English and Polish descent, lived for many years in France and currently resides in London. As a preface to this interview, I have to tell my Maxim Jakubowksi story. A few years ago, I got an e-mail from him as he was editing The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 9
Apparently he didn't hold it against me, though, because my story was included in the anthology. My name is even on the back cover of the U.K. version, though not the U.S. version. Then, through the lovely and talented Lucy Felthouse, he agreed to do the following interview.
How did it feel to be voted the “second sexiest writer” in 2007?
- Most amusing. Although I'd preface this by mentioning this was actually the second sexiest crime writer. I was leading the poll for a whole week until on the final day a whole block of votes came in for the lovely Peter May and I was pipped at the post. Seems my wife and daughter voting for me just wasn't enough. Anyway, it was a fix: Peter is hairy white-haired and bearded Scot who has been to wear a kilt at literary events and his legs weren't even that good! And, amongst crime writers, surely ladies like the delectable Mo Hayder, the fragrant Alex Barclay and Pocket Venus Megan Abbott are prettier than us ugly blokes?
Before Ekaterina and the Night, which was your favorite of your novels to write?
-Its counterpart in the dyptich, The State of Montana
Who was the inspiration for Ekaterina?
-Someone I once loved. But she is the only one who would now recognize herself in the character, as I take great care in muddying the waters and seeing that all my fiction becomes a hall of mirrors where reality and fiction are so intricately cooked together that not an unlikely future biographer would be able to separate the truth from the wonderful lies.
Have you ever been attracted to someone older?
-No. Which I reckon says a lot about me. The woman I married is two years older than me, but that's such a small difference I reckon it doesn't count. Does it? Or am I a toyboy?
Early in your career, you were known as a science fiction writer and editor. What caused you to shift your interest toward crime fiction and erotica?
-Even my SF had sexual elements, which was actually something of a hindrance. Everything I have always written has been sexual by nature or, at any rate, sensuous. So when I moved into the crime and thriller genre, it just made sense continuing in that vein (and the coexistence of sexual elements and crime go better together, anyway), and onwards to eliminating all genre tropes and just writing some erotica books pure and simple.
Does being multilingual make you a better writer?
-I don't believe so. Actually, it is something of a problem at times, as gallicisms infiltrate my prose without my noticing it. Thank God for copy editors! I also frequently translate from French, so that's an additional possibility of contamination. And can't say my Italian or Spanish have any sideways effect on matters, though.
What do you think it is about French-speaking men that makes you so sexy?
-The fact that some of us are not actually French! Seriously though, modesty forbids me from elaborating on this...
Which country do you see as being more sex-positive in its reading tastes, the U.K. or the U.S.?
-Superficially, one might say England. But... there is not just one America: readers on the Coasts or University towns are at opposite poles to the great unwashed Mid-West, and similarly in the UK, certain areas prove more prudish than others.
Lolita meets Story of O, another memorable tale of love, sex and feelings from ‘the King of the erotic thriller’
When Ekaterina meets Alexander a shockingly sexy but tender romance develops.
She is a young Italian trainee journalist, who dreams of wild sexual adventures. He is the older Englishman who she believes can fulfill her fantasies. When Ekaterina is sent to interview the ageing writer Alexander in London, she is blinded by his charm and experience. Their relationship explodes in a sensual orgy, which defies society’s acceptance.
When a mysterious angel of death who calls herself Emma enters their lives, Ekaterina and Alexander know their days together are numbered.
A shocking climax set in Venice in winter brings the three protagonists together.
A tale of sex and tenderness that ranks alongside Jakubowski classic The State of Montana.
Ekaterina and the Night buy links:
Paperback (available in the US slightly later than the UK)
Amazon U.K.
Amazon U.S.
The Book Depository
W.H. Smith
Barnes and Noble
Amazon U.K.
Amazon U.S.
Erotica Romance E-Books
All Romance E-Books
MAXIM JAKUBOWSKI worked for many years in book publishing as an editor (including titles by William Golding, Peter Ackroyd, Oliver Stone, Michael Moorcock, Peter Ustinov, Jim Thompson, David Goodis, Paul Ableman, Sophie Grigson, Marc Behm, Cornell Woolrich, etc...) and launched the Murder One Bookshop, which he owned and ran for over 20 years. He now writes, edits and translates full-time in London.
Courtesy of Xcite Books, three lucky winners can get their hands on a copy of Ekaterina and the Night in their choice of paperback or digital format. (International entries welcome!)
Simply leave a comment on this post to win. Be sure to check out the rest of the posts in the tour, because the more comments you make, the more chance you have of winning! Go here to see the blog tour schedule.
PLEASE leave your email address in the body of the comment. No email address = no entry. Winners will be drawn and contacted on the week ending 11th November 2011.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Werewolf Wednesday
Hopping by from the Coffin Hop? See Monday's giveaway post here.
Werewolf #1: Alcide Herveaux
As Portrayed By: Joe Manganiello (thanks to Hunk du Jour)
The book: Definitely Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, Book 6)
Werewolf #2: Jacob Black
As Portrayed By: Taylor Lautner
The Book: New Moon (The Twilight Saga, Book 2)
A little werewolf music:
Werewolf #3: Tyler Lockwood
As Portrayed By: Michael Trevino
The Book: The Vampire Diaries: The Fury and Dark Reunion
Werewolf #4: Remus Lupin
As Portrayed By: David Thewlis
The Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Werewolf #5: Werewolf Flanders
As Portrayed By: Harry Shearer
The Book: The Simpsons Beyond Forever!: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family...Still Continued
Monday, October 24, 2011
Welcome, Coffin Hoppers, to the Pagan Spirits trick-or-treat giveaway!
My guest on Thursday the 27th, Maxim Jakubowski, will also be hosting a separate giveaway which you are welcome to enter.
Please allow me to introduce myself: I'm Erin O'Riordan, and I write paranormal erotic romance. My major work in the genre is the Pagan Spirits series, a contemporary novel series about two sister-witches. Books 1 and 2, Beltane
and Midsummer Night
The Giveaway: Trick or treat! In honor of the Coffin Hop, I'm giving away an exclusive CreateSpace paperback version The Erotica Anthology, not on sale to the public yet. (You can get the e-book version for $.99 on Smashwords.) This is a proof copy, and you and I will have the only two proof copies in existence. The collection contains the dark faery tale "Herbert," the witchy short story on which the novel Beltane is based and a preview of the novel. Along with these supernatural stories, the collection contains four more erotic tales.
To enter the giveaway contest, you must be over 18 years old. There are two steps to the entry: 1)Follow this blog through Google Friend Connect or by e-mail and 2)Leave a comment on this post, providing an e-mail in your comment so you can be contacted if you win. Tell us what kind of spooky/supernatural fiction you like to read or write, give us a great Halloween costume idea...the comment can be whatever you want. The winner will be chosen at random. Both U.S. and international submissions will be accepted.
But wait, there's more! Not only will I send you the exclusive signed proof of the book, I'll also make you a mix CD of my favorite eerie/weird/Halloween-themed music - the music I like to listen to while I write. I promise it will not suck.
Can't get enough Halloween?
Here are some other Pagan Spirits posts you might like:
Celtic Languages 101: Welsh for Halloween
Love Spells from the Witch of Umbria
Vampires and Kitsune, Japan's fox demons
When Sex Meets Evil
Pride, Prejudice, Zombies and Hidden Lusts
Top 10 Supernatural Series
The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group
Voodoo Horror: Prey of the Scavenger
Review of "Oliver's Good Night Kiss"
Death's Excellent Vacation
Sunday, October 23, 2011
E-books vs. Paper Books: The Conflict (guest post)
With the ongoing trend of using the internet and digital objects right now, e-books or electronic books also became widely popular. Electronic books, as what its name say, are books that could be viewed through electronic devices. However, as these e-books became popular, the traditional paper copy books, which we could see, feel and touch, start to slowly fade away and lose its power. But if we compare these two kinds of book, which do you think is much better?
E-books vs. Paper book: what’s the difference?
Both e-books and traditional printed books have pros and cons. As mentioned earlier, e-books became widely popular because of the trend in using electronic devices and internet. E-books provide venue for readers to read efficiently as most e-books offer zoom functions, letter resizing and etc. Moreover, e-books are also more portable than paper books because with just one device, you can store a big number of e-books. In addition to this, e-books are more environment-friendly as compared to traditional paper printed books. As it is electronic, there is no need to use hundreds of trees to produce the material needed to print the books.
On the other hand, traditional paper printed books are also easily portable. Although it’s quite a task for you to bring a heavy load, paper printed books are much accessible since there is no battery or electricity needed to read a single chapter. It has been said that it is a much better traveling companion compared to e-books. Moreover, it has also been shown that traditional paper printed books do not cause significant eye strain compared to e-books. This is perhaps because of the time spent using the device which may eventually lead to a strain to the muscles of the eye.
Which is which?
One of the best things to do in dealing with this conflict is to simply mix and match. The use of e-books and paper printed books could vary depending on the area you want to read a book and your personal preference, of course. For example, if you will go to a place where finding a source for electricity is difficult, then it is much better to bring a paper printed book. And, if you go to an area where bringing books is quite a tedious task, then e-books are a much better option.
Then again, you should remember that it doesn’t really matter whether it is a paper printed book or an e-book you are reading. As long as you are able to sit down, take a break and read a few lines from your favorite book, whichever medium you use will be a helpful tool.
About the guest blogger: Jenny Parker is a writer who enjoys covering topics for an expat community blog that provides internet phone carda and Swiss calling cards for international travelers. Take an additional 10% off with coupon code "acc10".
Photo: John Blyberg
Friday, October 21, 2011
My Vampirish 2nd Reading on Edin Road Radio
I read an excerpt from Eminent Domain on July 5, 2011.
Elizabeth Black, the originator of Man Candy Tuesday and inspiration for "The Older Dudes I'd Most Like to See Lewd," contributed the short story "Neighbors" to Vamps.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
WIP Wednesday with Deanna Proach
From To Be Maria by Deanna Proach, Chapter 4: Anya sits herself down comfortably in her usual spot--the old, chipped desk in the third row at the front of the classroom. She ignores the noisy chatter of her peers and tries to memorize the notes from last English class. Every week Mrs. Cummings gives the class a surprise quiz and Anya is never prepared. But this time, she is determined to ace it.
Just as she delves into the information, her thought process is rudely interrupted when someone snatches the notes off her desk.
"Hey, what the..." Anya stops short when she sees Carly glare down at her, her blue eyes like sharp-edged daggers.
"If I were you, I would not finish that statement," Carly says.
Normally Anya is not bothered by Carly's snide remarks, but this time she is flabbergasted. "What are you talking about, Carly? Can you please give me back my notes?"
With little effort, Carly tears the loose-leaf pages right down the middle, then throws them on the ground. Everyone in the classroom bursts into laughter--everyone except for Maria.
"You better stay away from me, loser, or I am going to make your life a living hell!" With an indignant flip of her long hair, Carly walks brusquely over to her seat at the back of the room, leaving a stunned Anya sitting alone.
The cheers of "Wow, Carly. Way to go, Carly," and the slapping of high fives cuts deep into Anya's soul. So much for acing that quiz, and so much for English today! On impulse, she grabs her books. She nearly runs right into her teacher as she dashes out of the room.
"Anya, what's wrong? Where are you going?" Mrs. Cummings says, her face contorted with worry.
For one brief second, Anya looks at her teacher, but she is completely at a loss of words, unable to express her anguish. So, she just turns her body, then runs down the empty hallway. A few times her teacher calls after her, but Anya ignores her. She flings open the women's washroom, then rushes over to the nearest stall. Anya slams the stall door shut, locks it, then sinks to the floor below. She buries her head in her hands. Tears sting her eyes.
Maria set Carly up for that! That bitch! I should have never talked to her. Now I'm the laughing puppet of my class once again. What the hell was I thinking? I will never be able to live this one down, and worse, what will Mr. Hawthorne think of me when he finds out about this? She can no longer hold back her tears. They flow relentlessly down her cheeks. I hate myself and I hate my life! I just wish for once, I could be anyone but me.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Love Spells, Courtesy of the Witch of Umbria
That's probably true. As Nigel Cawthorne painstakingly explains in his history volume Witch Hunt: History of a Persecution (Chartwell Books, 2004), people as young as two were murdered in the European hysteria over witchcraft and heresy in numbers it's difficult to pinpoint or even imagine. The book is a veritable catalog of horrors and not for the weak of stomach.
Yet there's also a fanciful side to the book, in the descriptions of the powers attributed to witches. My favorite chapter is Chapter 8, "The Witch of Umbria." The Italian region of Umbria has been rather infamous in the news lately; it's the location of Perugia, where the American Amanda Knox was arrested, convicted and acquitted of the horrendous murder of her British roommate, Meredith Kercher. In the 15th century, Umbria was infamous for another trial, the trial of Matteuchia di Francesco, accused of being a witch.
According to witness testimony of that time, di Francesco was skilled with love charms. Some of her remedies included these.
Charm for getting a lover to pay you attention (at least for a few days)- give him/her an egg, mixed with her herb called Costa cavallina.
To remedy an uncaring lover - Make a wax figure of him/her and wrap it in a thread spun by a virgin. Place it under his/her bed. Reportedly, this worked for an Italian woman who was having an affair with a local priest. If no virgin-spun thread is available, you may wrap some of your hair in cloth and place this under the lover's bed.
To regain the favor of a lover with a wandering eye - Burn some of your hair and feed him/her the ashes.
To recover a cheating spouse - Capture a swallow, and for a few days feed it nothing but sugar. Kill the bird, burn it, and mix the ashes with wine and some water in which you've washed your feet.
To make someone fall in love with you - Capture a pair of swallows. Kill the birds, burn them, and stir the ashes into a drink. Give it to your intended lover.
To separate a pair of lovers if you desire one of them for yourself - bathe facing backwards with your knees bent. Take your bath water and throw it in the path of the couple as they pass. Soon, they will hate one another and separate.
To prevent two people from having sex - Take a holy candle and light it. Carry it to the junction of three roads, where one of the lovers is certain to pass, and there bend the candle. Keep the bent candle in a safe place, and as long as no one disturbs it, the lover who passed by the crossroads will be unable to have sex.
To undo the curse your lover's lover has placed on you - look under your bed/pillow for a witch's charm, then burn it.
Perhaps because the Church feared the witch's power to aid and abet adultery, di Francesco was sentenced harshly. She was paraded through the town of Todi on the back of a donkey with her hands tied and a paper hat (apparently signifying shame in those days) on her head. There she was publicly burned alive. At least the trial of Amanda Knox had a less gruesome ending.
Got witch fiction?
Midsummer Night: Pagan Spirits, Book Two (Volume 2)
Démons et Merveilles by Edward Reginald Frampton (1872-1923). Public domain in the U.S.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Flower Child ~ Guest Post by Sheila Deeth
Actually, I had a bit of a problem with fairies. Angels were part of religion you see, so I knew they were real, and I knew they were big, like grown-ups. I wasn’t entirely sure about the whole wings thing since Abraham mistook his angels for people in the desert. Friends said real angels keep their wings under their robes, but wings are big. Other friends suggested they could make the wings invisible, but that didn’t explain how they got their robes on over them. Fairies, meanwhile, were uniformly small and always wore wings, at least till I was older. But somehow both had pride of place at the top of a Christmas tree.
My family solved the Christmas tree problem by putting an ornament—kind of like a minaret—up there instead. But there was still the fact that I was as likely to call the herald announcing Christ’s birth a fairy as I was an angel. And my teachers didn’t like it!
There are lots and lots and lots of angels in the Bible. Some have names, like Michael, who fights for his people Israel. Others are cherubim (not to be confused with stone cherubs in church, I was told) and seraphim, six-winged, two-winged, un-winged, alone and in armies, all sorts of them. I learned how we mortals are privy to mysteries that angels long to see—yet angels seem privy to everything and sent out as messengers. It’s very confusing.
And then there are the Nephilim, who might be angels or giants; and fallen angels who might be demons perhaps… It’s no wonder there are so many angels wandering through literature now. Meanwhile, the little girl who wanted to see her guardian angel grew up. I think he must have found me a difficult assignment.
When I started writing Flower Child, our Bible study group had just begun a book on angels. So there it was, in black and white, people don’t turn into angels when they die. Not even children? Not even unborn children? Of course, my real question wasn’t really about the angels so much as the kids. When does the unborn child become a person? When does he get his soul? And what is a soul?
I guess I might as well ask when angel get their wings, but Flower Child grew and my little unborn Angela made her own path, guarded by angels, loved by her mother, and longing to find out just who, and what she was.
About Flower Child: When Megan miscarries her first pregnancy it feels like the end of everything; instead it’s the start of a curious relationship between the grieving mother and an unborn child who hovers somewhere between ghost and angel. Angela, Megan’s “little angel,” has character and dreams all her own, friends who may or may not be real angels, and a little brother who brings hope to her mother’s world. But Angela’s dream-world has a secret and one day Angela might learn how to be real.
Where to find Flower Child:
On the publisher’s website:
On Amazon:
on Smashwords:
About the author: Sheila Deeth grew up in the UK and has a Bachelors and Masters in mathematics from Cambridge University, England. Now living in the States with her husband and sons, she enjoys reading, writing, drawing, telling stories, running a local writers' group, and meeting her neighbors’ dogs on the green.
Sheila describes herself as a Mongrel Christian Mathematician. Her short stories, book reviews and articles can be found in VoiceCatcher 4, Murder on the Wind, Poetic Monthly, Nights and Weekends, the Shine Journal and Joyful Online. Besides her Gypsy Shadow ebooks, Sheila has several self-published works available from Amazon and Lulu, and a full-length novel under contract to come out next year.
Find her on her website:
or find her books at:
Erin O'Riordan's review of Sheila's Refracted
Sunday, October 16, 2011
THEDAILYTERROR ~ Guest Post by Jake Bannerman
Words I found in today’s newspaper. That’s right; in one day, the daily newspaper makes not only my work but any horror master's work seem pretty fucking lame, huh? I try and explain this in just about every interview or post I can - LISTEN CLOSELY. Mankind is horror, just read the papers...
Do I need to spend an hour writing a thousand word guest post about this? NO WAY! I am sure that there is a newspaper close by where you are sat now, and what makes that even more interesting is that we are ADDICTED!!!
We, you, them - the guy on the train next to you, the school teacher, the nurse, the redhead you want to fuck on the sixth floor…We want the news! We revel in how fucking sick we have become. Are you ready for this? We are the main characters in the most frightening book of all time!
What I want from you, dear reader, is an argument, a solid foundation of reasoning of why I am wrong. I bet you will try and fail, but humor me. Send your argument to and you might just win yourself a copy of my newest book ‘The Pitchfork Diaries’ where I take the newspapers to school and fill your brain with horror you have never even thought of!
The Pitchfork Diaries is a collection of short stories and prose unlike anything you have ever read before. Even the darkest and most violent imaginings of your mind cannot come close to matching the horrors contained within.
J.S. Bannerman, a new name in the horror genre, has skillfully woven a collection of tales that will inescapably work their way into your psyche, take up residence and relentlessly haunt you. Prepare yourself to be confronted by words that will threaten to shake the foundation of everything you thought you knew; no truth is too uncomfortable, no thought too gruesome to share.
All are invited to read The Pitchfork Diaries. Many will never be the same.
Currently Available on
ISBN 978-1-4657-1708-5
Early Praise for The Pitchfork Diaries:
“It’s refreshing to find a multifaceted storyteller that can tie together a multitude of different genres. J.S. Bannerman leaves no stone unturned and attacks any subject that his mind lays purchase to. He weaves a brilliant story each and every time that pulls you in and keeps you engaged.”
Julianne Snow
Author of Days with the Undead
Born and raised in the church, J.S. Bannerman has taken the dangerous stance to question events that have been spoon fed to him as the truth since his childhood. He continually pushes boundaries as a purveyor of terror and often strives to find that disquietude that exists inside each one of us.
He is a nomad, calling no one place home; choosing the life of a traveler while on the mission of writing the Family of Dog series. As a result you may find him in your town, writing at your local pub, crafting tales of horror so terrifyingly deprave and heartbreakingly cruel that you would never believe that they come from a mind as normal as his. Just beware, because within each tale is a message; it’s just up to you to figure out what it means.
Friday, October 14, 2011
West Coast Werewolf Cookie Review (Sanction Chronicles)
Best decision EVER. So far so good. Everything is delicious. For this round I went with cookies. Food trucks and sweets these next few weeks. Hard work, right?
Welcome To Sanction - The Sanction Chronicles - Year One Volume One
Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Books on Board * Smashwords
West Coast Werewolf Cookie Review
Well they aren't a restaurant...
Freshly Baked
Gourmet Cookies with Attitude
Okay Readers -
I came across these guys at the Taco Cook Off - where I managed not to eat a single taco, but other yum stuff instead. Like every cookie on the Freshly Baked menu. Over all, very good. If they are there buy them. On the whole moments of greatness but not every one so choose wisely...
So - top to bottom on the favorites.
YOUR MOM - Oatmeal Coconut Chocolate Chip
The chocolate, the texture of oatmeal and the chewyness of coconut that stays with you as you chew makes this one the big winner. A MUST have and a must try. Perhaps one of my favorite Oatmeal Cookies ever, but adding chocolate doesn't hurt.
Kiss my Rosie White... - Strawberry White Chocolate
General Rule: Strawberry flavored items are weaker tasting. Cherry Rules! - Not so here. If this was not hurt your teeth deliciously sweet it would have taken top rank. Even hungry as a wolf I would max out at about 2 while Your Mom, give me 10!
To the Cookie! The flavor is subtle and mouth watering. It hits the tongue with a burst and the white chocolate just smoothes the whole thing out to complete the experience. I am not a white chocolate fan so that this one is so high on the list tells you just how good it is.
Demolicious - Chocolate Cherry
As stated rule above, Cherry Rules as does this cookie. Really fabulous and a repeater. The cherry flavor infuses the whole cookie perfectly complimenting the dark chocolate. The mix is pretty flawless. Not really anything more to say. Yum...
Mexican Arm Twister - Chocolate Chip with a Twist
If you like KICK this is not the one for you. This is your niece kicking you in the back of the leg. If you want it hot like a donkey kick to the groin look elsewhere. This is a mild, subtle flavor mix maybe why they say twist. Too subtle? Maybe. Can anyone give it a try? Yep. There is nothing to offend the palate, just a warm tingle in the after taste.
Nutty Bavarian Love Biscuit - Peanut Butter Chocolate Pretzel
A solid PB cookie, mild on the PB and with a nice move in adding the pretzels. The salty - peanut butter mix of ingredients was nice. Unfortunately the chocolate seemed to dominate the pairing. If PB is your thing though, give it a go.
Monkey Nut Blast - Banana Walnut Chocolate Chip
Sad Monkeys. I didn't taste the banana either. Say banana, I think BANANA. It was not the dominate flavor I expected based on the description. More of a chocolate chip with nuts and a light banana air about it.
The Foamy Homey - Root Beer Float
This cookie goes to show you how AMAZINGLY talented this baker is. First you taste vanilla, count down, one-two-three and the flavor changes like magic in your mouth. Root Beer! Add to that the unbelievable, no idea how he does it, tingle it leaves on your tongue and this is a masterpiece. I didn't care for it, but I fully appreciate it.
Anger Management - Peppermint Chocolate Chip
I have been really hungry before - I mean hungry, BUT I have never been tempted to put chocolate chips in toothpaste and eat it.
In closing: Am I chasing them down like a werewolf after a tasty rabbit? No, but I know other eaters who do. A lot of highlights here and good stuff. Make them into a sandwich with a little ice cream and you would only want them more. - More at
- West Coast Werewolf
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Sanction Chronicles - One Book: Three POV's
So adventures in writing ensue and in the end? Well it goes a little like this.

Welcome to Sanction
Year One: Volume I
Welcome to Sanction:
One of the three largest all paranormal communities in the USA. Home of the Wind Haven High School and Sanction New Hampshire.
September 1: The Hawthorne Academy of Witchcraft is burned to the ground leaving the teens from Sanction’s three biggest powers with only one place to go… Now if the Witches can avoid Non-Witches, the Werewolves don’t tear anyone apart, and the Vampires keep their mouths shut Wind Haven High School might survive. IF…
You can find out more at and the read on to meet the main characters.
The three stars of September?
Wow, he's hot.
Too hot.
Hope’s skin was uncomfortably warm, the heat getting worse every minute. She smelled smoke, or was that part of the dream? He’s smoking hot, that’s it. Hope settled back to admire his dark hair and bright eyes. At least I dreamed up someone worth looking at.
She sighed. Life in Sanction was good.
Not was, is—is good.
So what if awake she missed Dream Guy. Missing Dream Guy, a.k.a. DG, did not make the rest of her life lonely. She never got to see him for very long anyway. These dreams didn’t last. Now he was here, but for how long? She wanted to enjoy the time, but it was just so damn hot!
His voice broke into her thoughts. "Hope. Hope. You need to wake up."
Like hell I do. Just minutes after getting here he wants me to leave? No way. She was staying asleep and right here. He was free to do whatever he wanted.
Bored with watching another five fir trees go by, Jessie turned to study Marcus. He was six-one, blond, and an asshole with a wicked set of fangs. He flashed them with every word out of his mouth. "You have to think about what people will say. We aren't kids anymore. Everything we do reflects on the Vittori name."Jessie took great joy from pointing out the obvious. "I am not a Vittori." She wasn't a vampire, born, or made. She was human.
After a pause he continued, "You live with the family."
"In the servant's quarters. I think everyone gets the picture."
"You and your mother are not servants."
"We are not part of the family either."
Nate closed the front door quietly. He glanced around for his father. So far no sign. Nate let out a breath and shrugged his backpack from his shoulder. He'd been walking on eggshells ever since he got back a few weeks ago. Eight years away wasn't enough to wipe the slate clean between them. Nate's jaw tightened.Nobody gets a clean slate.
He’d made it to the stairs when the voice hit him from behind.
"What the hell are you doing home?"
Nate turned to face his father's frown as the older werewolf walked out of the kitchen.
"School's over," Nate mumbled, trying not to cringe.
"Don't be a smart ass," his father growled, moving closer step by step. "What about football practice?"
"Cancelled." Nate licked his lips. "It's the full moon."
- END -
So if you want to find out more - See the locations and materials available and get involved with The Sanction Chronicles.
Welcome To Sanction - The Sanction Chronicles - Year One Volume One
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
WIP Wednesday and a Jackie Collins Contest
This week I've been working on a guest blog post for Nora B. Peevy at The Demon Stole My Pencil. Nora is a horror author, and for October her blog is featuring a Halloween theme, complete with graveyard tours and haunted amusement parks. My guest blog for Nora is titled "Vampire Books to Die For," and runs down some of my favorite reads featuring undead drinkers of blood. It'll be published on Friday.
And Now For the Contest. Last week I featured a video clip of author Jackie Collins discussing her new Lucky Santangelo novel, Goddess of Vengeance. MacMillan has published an audio book version, and one lucky reader will win a free copy of the audiobook!
The contest is open to U.S. and Canadian residents 18 years of age and older. To enter, please follow this blog through Google Friend Connect (both current and new followers are eligible) and leave a comment on this post. Your comment must contain your e-mail address, or I won't be able to contact you if you win. Entries will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, October 14. The winner will be chosen at random and notified by Monday, October 17th.
You can read more about the audiobook HERE on the MacMillan/St. Martin's Press website. You can listen to an audio clip there.
Photo of Jackie Collins by Phil Konstantin, public domain
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Great Hispanic American Women Authors
At the intersections of these diverse world cultures, the arts flourish, including the lively art of writing. These are only a few of the great women who found, and continue to find, writing inspiration from their Latina heritage. They work in diverse forms, from political speeches to medical and psychological literature to plays and poetry.
1. Lola Rodriguez de Tió - a native of San Germán, Puerto Rico, de Tió was a poet whose first volume of poetry was published in 1876. Earlier, she wrote the song lyrics "La Borinqueña," which would become the lyrics of the Puerto Rican national anthem. In addition to writing three books of poetry, she was an anti-colonial and feminist activist.
2. Sara Estela RamÃrez - the Mexican-born activist fought on behalf of the rights of Mexican-Americans in Texas and for the labor and feminist movements. Writing was an essential part of her activism. She published a daily Spanish-language newspaper, Aurora, and wrote speeches, poems, stories and a play.
3. Maria Latigo Hernandez - Hernandez was another early civil rights leader in Texas. Unlike RamÃrez, whose background was in teaching, Hernandez started out as a midwife. She advocated for bilingual education (still a good idea, btw. Canada's bilingual, and it never hurts them, right?) In addition to her 1945 book on social justice principles, she also produced radio and television shows in Spanish.
4. MarÃa Irene Fornés - Born in Havana, Fornés originally wanted to become a painter. In the 1960s, her roommate was the critic Susan Sontag. Helping Sontag overcome a period of writer's block, Fornés discovered her own interest in the written word and became a playwright. She has won nine Obies for her plays in Spanish and English, and went on to co-found the New York Theatre Strategy, which helps other playwrights get their work produced.
5. Nicholasa Mohr - A New Yorker of Puerto Rican descent, Mohr studied the great Mexican painters, including Frida Kahlo, in Mexico City and returned to New York, where she was a well-received painter. She turned to writing fiction in the 1970s, and has written and illustrated numerous books for children and young adults.
6. Martha Cotera - Following in the footsteps of Rodriguez de Tió and RamÃrez, librarian/educator/activist/historian Cotera was born in Chihuahua and moved to Texas with her family when she was 8. You can find her today in Austin. She has written numerous essays and educational resources, including Doña Doormat No Está Aqui, an assertiveness guide for Latinas.
7. Gloria Anzaldúa - A Texas-born poet, author, activist and feminist, Anzaldúa worked for Mexican-American and GLBTQ civil rights. Her writings often interwove prose and poetry, spirituality and art, and were steeped in Native American legends. In the 1980s, she edited two anthologies of writings by feminist women of color. She passed away in 2004.
8. Clarissa Pinkola Estés - She was born in Mexico, adopted by a Hungarian-American couple and raised in Michigan. She later reconnected with her natural parents. Dr. Estés is trained in ethno-clinical psychology and was influenced by Carl Jung. Her most widely known work is Women Who Run with the Wolves
9. Alisa Lifshitz - Dr. Lifshitz is a physician of Mexican-Jewish descent. She was raised in Mexico City, but came to the U.S. to finish medical school. Known to many through her call-in radio show and from Univision as La Doctora Aliza, she's an AIDS educator, the medical editor of the Spanish-language magazine Mas and the editor-in-chief of Hispanic Physician. She launched the website and wrote Healthy Baby, Health Mother, the first bilingual pregnancy guide.
10. Sandra Cisneros - She was born in Chicago to a Mexican-American family that moved back and forth between the two countries frequently. Her first book, 1984's The House on Mango Street
FYI: I myself can claim no Hispanic heritage, but have Hispanic members of my extended family, including Mexican-American cousins.
Photos portray Mexican arts. Photo credits: Tomas Castelazo, Wolfgang Sauber, Patti Haskins
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