
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sunday, October 18, 2009: Treehouse of Horror

Sunday, October 18, 2009: The highlight of my day was watching the new Simpsons episode, “Treehouse of Horror XX (LABF14).” The first segment parodied an Alfred Hitchcock movie. Better still, the second story parodied I Am Legend. Krusty Burger’s new sandwich turns everyone into cannibal zombies. The Simpson family manages to survive and discover that Bart is immune to the disease. They get him to the safety zone, where Bart transfers his immunity to the other survivors by bathing in their soup.

The last segment was a musical one based on Sweeney Todd. After a gruesome accident, Moe the bartender discovers his beer is greatly enhanced by Homer’s blood. Moe schemes to get on Marge’s good side; he tells her Homer turned gay and ran off. Homer’s “The Gay Song” is rather funny:

“While turning gay the other day,

A thought occurred to me.

I'd like to try most every guy

From here to Timbuk-tee.

Oh, there's so many men around the world

Of every shape and size.

I want to nibble on Jamaican jerks

And teriyaki thighs.

I want to French-kiss a Frenchman

And spoon an English duke.

'Cause frankly, dear

To not be queer

Just makes me want to puke.

So find yourself a man

Who'll want you in the sack.

I recommend our dear old friend...

Bartender Moe Szyslak!” - this is an affiliate link

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