
Friday, December 27, 2019

Tina Turner's My Love Story

My Love StoryMy Love Story by Tina Turner

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Have I read anything else from this author? Yes, I read I, Tina.

Was this book better than this author's other book? They're both pleasantly hopeful and inspiring. Tina is a mentally strong person who has overcome so much in her life. However, while I, Tina ended on a happy note with Tina reclaiming her life from her ex-husband Ike, this one ends on a sad note.

Was this book enjoyable? Very. Since my husband had a kidney transplant earlier this year and was on dialysis for five years, I found her chapters about her health struggles relatable. I was also glad she has such a rewarding relationship with her husband. He seems great.

Did I learn anything new from this book? I learned that Tina is still the lovely person we met in I, Tina. I also learned she struggled with undiagnosed dyslexia as a child; I don't recall that being mentioned in her previous book. Now I'm extra proud of her that she loves to read and returns to favorite books again and again.

Where did I get this book? I borrowed this ebook from my local library using the Libby app.

Do I recommend this book to other readers? Yes, I would recommend this book to anyone who's interested in celebrity memoirs. The one thing to be aware of is that Tina doesn't narrate the audiobook. It's read by a voice actress.

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