
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oh How Pinteresting (OHP): Vintage/Black and White

Happy Wednesday! Let's link up with Michelle at for Oh, How Pinteresting.

Pinterest has a large collection of pictures of Marilyn Monroe reading; she read often. I made a this post with just some of those images.

I'm glad Tennessee Williams won a Pulitzer for Streetcar and not Suddenly Last Summer. I'm still somewhat traumatized by the latter. Did you know Brando was native to Omaha, Nebraska?

Yesterday was Jack Kerouac's birthday. Kerouac desperately wanted Marlon Brando to play the lead in a movie version of On the Road, but it never happened. You can read Kerouac's letter here.

This is a gorgeous screencap from From Here to Eternity: Montgomery Clift (another native Nebraskan, btw) as Prewitt, doing what Prew does best, and Donna Reed as Lorene, the ultimate ride-or-die chick, down for whatever. Donna Reed has the best costumes in this movie - especially the party dress she's wearing when Prew first sees her at the club. Gorgeous.

The English actress Lily Elsie.

Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well.

Okay, this one's not vintage. It's just a lovely image from Alex O'Hurley's Sexy Man Monday posts.