
Thursday, November 7, 2024

Re: The Unfortunate Happening of November 5, 2024

This blog will be using the blogger's First Amendment right to free speech to object to the fascist administration of Donald J. Trump. 

If you need an explanation from the son of two Holocaust survivors on how Trump fits the exact dictionary definition of a fascist, listen here.

Feel free to comment, but pro-fascist comments will be deleted and the users blocked. The rest of you, the non-fascist-apologists, please write to me when I get put in liberal re-education camp. I'm only a little bit joking.

In the meantime:

I stand with women.

I stand with cis women and trans women.

I stand with women who need abortions.

I stand with women who need abortions for any reason, at any time during their pregnancies.

I stand with nonbinary people and trans men.

I stand with nonbinary people and trans men who need abortions, for any reason, at any time during their pregnancies.

I stand with unmarried people. I stand with childless people, whether childless by choice or by circumstance.

I stand with children and their inherent right to a real education that includes real, non-propagandistic history. 

I stand with children and their right to health care.

I stand with children and their inherent human right to education, even when (especially when) that makes them smarter than their parents.

I stand with children and their inherent human right to grow into the religion they choose, if any. I do not believe any parent has the right to force an abusive or exploitative religion on their children and demand that the child practice that cult-like behavior into adulthood.

I stand with Muslims, my fellow Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, indigenous people who practice their ancestral religion, Wiccans, witches, Satanists (yes, even the Satanists - the free practice of religion necessarily excludes no one), people of other faiths, agnostics, and atheists. I stand with all non-Christian Americans in defending our right not to be forced to practice any aspect of Evangelical Christianity against our will. This is our First Amendment right. 

In the religion of Judaism, it is morally wrong to force a woman to die because her pregnancy can't continue. Refusing an abortion for a Jewish woman who needs one is a violation of her right to practice Judaism freely. Refusing a Jewish doctor their right to practice abortions is a violation of the free practice of that person's religion.

I stand with immigrants. All immigrants, documented or undocumented. I don't work for the government and another person's papers are none of my damn business. I also know that this country won't function without its immigrant population. Immigrants are my fellow Americans.

I stand with Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is part of the United States. Puerto Ricans are our fellow Americans. 

I stand with indigenous Americans. Federal laws that violate the sovereignty of the indigenous nations have to be fought using lawyers and peaceful protest. Indigenous people have rights that I respect.

I stand with LGBTQ+ people. I'm openly bi and I will always be a safe person to come out to. I will also be a safe person for any trans, nonbinary, agender, or other-gendered person to come out to. I will never demand that the human race segregate itself into two narrowly-defined genders.

I stand with people with blue hair and pronouns. The proper amount of liberty is always to err on the side of too much, never to err on the side of not enough liberty.

I do not forgive the criminals who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, even after they get presidential pardons. They attacked the United States and are traitors. I will neither forget nor forgive. 

Cults of personality are bullshit. One man can't solve all of your problems, no matter what he promises.

It's also nakedly obviously that Trump is suffering from some form of mental decline, probably the same Alzheimer's disease that killed his father Fred. As you know, the disease is hereditary. Anyone who is preventing him from being treated for dementia is medically abusing him. If he's being medically abused for political reasons, that is a crime being committed against Donald J. Trump, and a prosecutor should be looking into that.

The fucking emperor has no clothes. I won't be gaslit, bullied, or intimidated into saying otherwise. The worst they can do is kill me, but they can't kill ideas. 

I approve of Guy Fawkes's king-exploding policy (historically speaking), but not that he would have blown up Westminster Abbey. Let the poets rest in peace. Not an endorsement of violence more recent than 400 years ago. I endorse non-violent protest and the prosecution of domestic terrorists.

I refuse to live in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and I hope you do too. Malala Yousafzai resisted; may we all have her courage. 

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