
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

OHP Wednesday: It's a Love Story Baby Just Say Yes

Happy New Year! This week as I link up with from Oh How Pinteresting!, I look at that most romantic of New Year's traditions, the kiss.

The tragic kiss: Romeo and Juliet.

People say "parting is such sweet sorrow" when they're actually separating, but Romeo's "that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow" tells us he has every intention of spending the night.

The fairy tale kiss.

The fantasy kiss.

The vintage kiss.

The assisted vintage kiss.

The pop art almost-kiss.

The anime kiss.

The lava lamp kiss.

The just-married kiss.

The secret library kiss - possibly my favorite.

Did you get a kiss at midnight on New Year's Eve?

1 comment:

  1. Princess Bride! I love that movie!

    Happy New Year! :D

    Steph xx
