
Friday, January 25, 2013

Fantasy Casting: Person of Interest characters in The Black Dagger Brotherhood

This is my 600th post, by the way. Yay! If you're curious about how The Sultan of Monte Cristo turns out, you can read my review at Goodreads.

What happens when I have to wait until January 31st for a new episode of Person of Interest and until March for the next Black Dagger Brotherhood novel? Why, I start mentally casting the BDB universe with POI characters, of course. Why not? It's simply a matter of replacing one set of badasses with another. Just go with me on this; it's just for fun.

Can we start with the most obvious one? Lionel Fusco and Karolina Kurkova are SO the Butch and Marissa.

Finch is Wrath, the Blind King. Like Wrath, Finch works mostly behind the scenes, held back from taking direct part in battles because of his physical limitations.

Bear is George. (A Belgian Malinois is not a golden retriever, but it's a dog, okay?)

Reese as Zsadist. (This pic is from the February 2013 Men's Fitness magazine, which I have shamelessly asked my parents if they'd buy for me next time they go to a bookstore. They go to the bookstore more often than I do.)

Joss Carter as Bella.

Can you tell that Z and Bella are my favorite BDB couple?

Leila as Nalla (because there hasn't been a biracial African American/Caucasian baby on the series - or any other babies besides Leila, who has a Latina mom and a Caucasian dad. I know, I know - some of my biracial cousins are blond and blue-eyed, but none of them are this light-skinned.)

Reese for Phury too, because, as you know, Zsadist and Phury are identical twins.

Will Ingram as John Matthew.

Kara Stanton as Xhex.

Root is the Scribe Virgin.

Carl Elias as the Omega; Anthony "Scarface" Marconi as Mr. O.

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