
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Mary Hart Perry Update

Authors needed - all genres! Are you an author who'd like to share a 100- to 200-word blurb about a current work in progress on a future WIP Wednesday? If so, please send an e-mail to Erin O'Riordan (erinoriordan AT sbcglobal DOT net).

Read Mary Hart Perry's previous WIP Wednesday guest post here.

Mary Hart Perry: As of today I'm diving back into Seducing the Princess, the second book of my new Victorian thriller series that features the daughters of Queen Victoria. The first, The Wild Princess, comes out  August 1 of this year, and I don't have a release date for the second. But I'm hoping to have it ready for 2013 publication...maybe. 

I'm nearly halfway through with this novel, not as far along as I'd have liked, due to interruptions such as an increased teaching schedule at The Writer's Center in DC and a multitude of writer's conferences. But the good thing about being among other writers is you get recharged. So I'm throwing myself into an aggressive writing binge. 
Queen Victoria painted by Franz Xavier Winterhalter, 1843.  Public domain image
By the end of May I hope to have my draft done, leaving the summer for fine tuning. The first novel is about Princess Louise, the fourth daughter of Victoria and Albert, who dreamt of becoming an artist at a time when women weren't allowed the same training in art as men. The second is about Beatrice, whose fate was to be the aging queen's caretaker. Victoria wanted Beatrice to remain unmarried and "pure". (Read that: a virgin.) Beatrice wasn't too thrilled with that idea. Anyway, back to work now. I'm in the middle of a very exciting chapter! Hugs to all as you write and read...

Mary Hart Perry on Goodreads, Twitter and Facebook

Read an excerpt from The Wild Princess on Mary Hart Perry's website


  1. Thanks for the lovely post, Erin! And what scrumptious pictures you came up with. Love 'em. --MHP

  2. So glad you like it, Mary! I hope the writing is going well.

  3. I'm eager to read both of these books. Mary Hart Perry has a magical way with words. They're going to be fabulous, well-researched and fun!
