
Monday, May 21, 2012

Blue Monday - Once in a Blue Moon

These pins come from my I've Got the Blues board on Pinterest. On Mondays I hook up with Pinning! at A Night Owl Blog/Baxtron{Life}. On Wednesday, it's Oh, How Pinteresting! at The Vintage Apple.

This beautiful goddess image is of Diana in the ancient Roman pantheon, or Artemis in the Greek pantheon. The Lady of the Wild Things, a bow-wielding huntress who controls human access to game animals, is a common goddess manifestation in European folklore. Her literary descendants include part-veela Fleur  Delacour in the Harry Potter novels and Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games trilogy. 

This is my favorite lunar image. It's just so pretty and sparkly.

The moon doesn't always appear by herself. Here she is with the planets Venus and Jupiter. 

Sometimes she appears with Britney Spears.

The moon can be very inspirational. This could be the inspiration for an urban fantasy heroine. It comes from author Bonni Sansom's wonderful blog. 

The full moon is equally beloved by the sidhe as by goddesses and urban fantasy heroines. 


  1. oooooh i love the shot with venus and jupiter! i'm always amazed that we can see other planets from here sometimes...

    love the moon pins! thanks for linking up Erin!


  2. You always have the best photos. LOL @ Britney Spears ;)

  3. Yeah, that Britney pin was blue, and it had a moon in it, so I repinned it.
