
Monday, April 2, 2012

Blue Monday #6 ~ Blue Book Value, Part Two

These beautiful book covers all have something in common: the color blue. They all come from my Books Worth Reading board on Pinterest.

On Monday I link up with Baxtron{Life} and A Night Owl for Pinning! On Wednesday it's The Vintage Apple for Oh, How Pinteresting!!! If you're dropping by from either of these blog hops, welcome. If you're returning the visit because I commented on your blog post, bless your little heart. I appreciate it.

Are any of these blue books your least favorite/most favorite? Let me know.

I love the first two-thirds of this book, and then the last third takes a weird turn. Cool cover, though.

I still never read The Time Traveler's Wife, but I love the movie. Same deal as The Help.

Every English-speaking household should have one of these.

Also worth reading, even if it's not my favorite Jewish book ever.

If, like me, you love puns and can't resist a bit of wordplay, this is the book for you. I didn't read it until I was an adult, but I understand it's a middle-grades favorite.

Last things last. This copy appears to have been much-read and well-loved. By a quirk of finding a copy at a used book sale, I read this one right after I read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, so my Narnia experience was all out of order. I highly recommend you start with The Magician's Nephew if you have not read the series yet.

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  1. Cool books. Love the cover of the first too. Also the age of the last one. Very cool!

  2. I LOVE the Phantom Tollbooth. One of my very favorites as a kid. ;) Thanks as always for linking up! XO
