
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dangerous Lee: The Pagan Spirits Interview

Please welcome Dangerous Lee, author/blogger/HIV educator/actress and generally creative woman. Lee is the author of Keep Your Panties Up and Your Skirt Down, and her short story "'Til Death Do Us Part" appeared in Zane's Succulent: Chocolate Flava 2 anthology.

PS: If you could sum up your book, Keep Your Panties Up and Your Skirt Down, in one sentence, it would be...?

Dangerous Lee: Six erotic tales of safe sex.

PS: What's the secret to making safe sex "sexy" in your writing?

Dangerous Lee: Making sure that the erotic aspects are very erotic.

PS: How did you first become involved in HIV prevention education?

Dangerous Lee: I became passionate about HIV prevention and education when I learned that African-Americans have some of the highest infection rates in the United States.

PS: What inspired you to start Book Bizarre in Flint, Michigan?

Dangerous Lee: There are many self-published authors in Flint, Michigan and we all need recognition.

PS: Ever have any encounters with Flint's famous Michael Moore?

Dangerous Lee: No, not personally.

PS: What qualities are you looking for in a "Danger Baby?"

Dangerous Lee: Someone that is very outspoken, honest, and helpful.

PS: Who's your favorite celebrity to blog about?

Dangerous Lee: I don't have a favorite celebrity to blog about, but if there is some new or exciting news to share about Michael Jackson, I am happy to blog about that.

PS: If you had to pick one favorite Michael Jackson song, it would be...?

Dangerous Lee: I can't pick one song, but I can pick one CD; Dangerous!

Dangerous Lee
Author - Keep Your Panties Up and Your Skirt Down
Read First Chapter Now -
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Twitter - @DangerousLee
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