
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Werewolf Wednesday

Are you an author with a current work-in-progress? WIP Wednesday will resume as normal next week. Would you like to tease your work on a future WIP Wednesday? If so, please e-mail Erin O'Riordan: erinoriordan (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Hopping by from the Coffin Hop? See Monday's giveaway post here.

Werewolf #1: Alcide Herveaux
As Portrayed By: Joe Manganiello (thanks to Hunk du Jour)
The book: Definitely Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, Book 6)

Werewolf #2: Jacob Black
As Portrayed By: Taylor Lautner
The Book: New Moon (The Twilight Saga, Book 2)

A little werewolf music:

Werewolf #3: Tyler Lockwood
As Portrayed By: Michael Trevino
The Book: The Vampire Diaries: The Fury and Dark Reunion

Werewolf #4: Remus Lupin
As Portrayed By: David Thewlis
The Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Werewolf #5: Werewolf Flanders
As Portrayed By: Harry Shearer
The Book: The Simpsons Beyond Forever!: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family...Still Continued


  1. This is great! I love that you added Ned Flanders. He is my favorite werewolf. This blog was the perfect way to start m day. I'll be back tomorrow for sure!

  2. Some hot, and not so hot lycanthropes! Alcide is best - slurrp. Shah. X

  3. Me too, Heaven. Flanders makes a surprisingly vicious undead werewolf!

  4. How did I miss the Flanders werewolf--my kids aren't educating me well enough.

  5. A werewolf gallery of hunkiness. Very cool.
