
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Blog Swap Winning!

Hopping by from the Coffin Hop? See Monday's giveaway post here.

I'm pleased to report that I received a most exciting package from Celia Ybarra at Celia's Way. She and I had each other in the Halloween Blog Swap hosted by Rachel at You Just Can't Google Everything and Star of Star's Pink World.

Please excuse my photos. I'm much more of a wordsmith than a visual artist. My preferred medium is collage, not photography. And I don't want to hear it if you can spot the asparagus stain my dad got on my Bed, Bath and Beyond tablecloth.

Now, what could possibly be inside this seasonally-appropriate orange and purple tissue paper?

I think I'll open the little ones first.

Cool! It's three cute little scarecrows, and nail polish in pumpkin orange, black and sparkly purple.

These little scarecrows will make friends with my collection of little wooden Halloween decorations. Now for the biggest package:

Celia thought of everything, right down to this personalized gift label with some beautiful sunny limes. I wonder what's inside?

Pure chocolaty, nutty joy! Thank you, Celia!

Texas is a long way from the Midwest, and I send her package USPS rather than FedEx, but I really hope she gets her package before Halloween. I'll be bummed out if Celia does not get to open the chocolate-dipped Halloween Oreos and other goodies I sent her in a box wrapped in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven."

Now jump back into the Coffin Hop and get your own trick-or-treat swag from some fab horror authors!


  1. Thank you, Penelope! Happy Hallo-weekend, CoffinHoppers!

  2. Oh yummy! TREATS! And wheat a great choice of wrapping. Love Poe,, and the Raven is a fave. X

  3. Definitely a cool gift! I miss Ferrer Rocher, they were my faves before my kiddo got peanut allergy.

  4. Great gifts! I love ferrer rocher! There's actually another swap going on called a nail polish swap that your partner is now hosting!
