
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Guest Post - "Bullying" by Children's Author Larry Peterson

Bullying---what to do? I do not have a Ph.D. in child psych or anything like that. I am a parent, grandparent, former little league coach and a writer who used to be a construction worker in NYC. My credentials on the topic of bullying were earned in the “school of hard knocks” having learned from the old time teachers whose names were, experience & common sense, although it seems common sense has been forcibly retired and replaced by a no-sense guy called zero tolerance. I digress.

First of all, we are all unique. But my experience has taught me that the kids who wind up being bullied invariably feel they are “more different” than their peers and do not feel good about themselves. They hate their nose, their eyeglasses, their hair, maybe their parent’s car is “old” and they are embarrassed being seen in it. It starts there and the bully will sense it. Why are some kids easier targets for a bully than others?

The first line of defense against the bullies of the world is a suit of armor called self worth and self respect. This comes from the parent(s). This is CRUCIAL. A child can and must be taught that being different is OK. When they begin their journey outside the home (which often times starts in a day care center) they may be ready to defend who they are. If they are not prepared they are easy prey to the bullies of the world who will sense it and attack. So parents, teach by word and deed. Help the needy, say HI to a homeless guy, visit a rehab center where kids who are “different” are being treated. The preparation for the battle all starts at home. If you suspect your child is having a problem with a bully, ask him/her straight out. Then voice your concerns with the school. Go on-line and access the plethora of info available. And—do not be afraid of using some good, old fashioned, common sense.

My book, Slippery Willie’s Stupid, Ugly Shoes, published by Tribute Books, was released in the beginning of February. It deals with “differences” and has an interactive guide that can be implemented in a classroom setting or at home. It has received some wonderful reviews, especially from those who have children who are “different” (Diabetes, poor vision, cerebral palsy etc).

My site is, where you can check out the book and the reviews, etc.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Best wishes,
Larry Peterson
Larry Peterson Facebook

Slippery Willie Synopsis:
Willie Wiggles hates his slippery feet. He just slips, slides and spins all over the place. But what he hates even more are the special shoes that have been made for him that will help him to walk just like all the other kids. Willie thinks that they are the "stupidest, ugliest shoes in the whole world."

Discover how sometimes we worry about things about ourselves when actually there is nothing to worry about in the first place. Read an excerpt here.

"Adorable work!" - Tampa Tribune

Larry Peterson Bio:
Larry Peterson was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. As a freelancer, he has written many newspaper columns for local publications. Slippery Willie's Stupid, Ugly Shoes is his first children’s book. Peterson has lived in Pinellas Park, Florida for the past 28 years.

Larry is looking for readers to share their thoughts about accepting differences at

Erin O'Riordan's thoughts: I recommend this book for all kids ages 4-12. The drawings are wonderful, especially the one of Willie's mom chasing him with a butterfly net to try to get him to put on the shoes. The text is fun, never preachy, yet it still teaches a lesson about respecting people who are different.

Tribute Books provided me with a review copy of this book at no charge. I was not compensated for this opinion.


  1. Erin - thank you very much for posting Larry's thoughts on bullying on your blog. I'm glad that you enjoyed the book and we appreciate your support.

  2. Excellent and important post - I was bullied as are way too many children. It's an awful silent terror for little minds and for both the bullies (who often have issues at home or are bullied in some way themselves) and the receivers of the bullying awareness will help to stamp it out.

    Thanks for stopping by as alway Erin. Shah. X

  3. Hi Erin---thanks so much for the kind words. I appreciate the time and effort you put in. It means a lot to me. Thanks again
    Larry Peterson
