
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Welcome, Dan O'Brien, author of 'The Journey!'

Today I'm featuring an interview with eclectic novelist Dan O'Brien, author of The Journey. Please leave your questions and comments for Dan, and he'll stop by and answer as he gets the chance.

What was the name of the first book you wrote?

Deviance of Time was the first novel I wrote. I started it when I was in 8th grade and then finished around my 16th birthday or so.

How did you get it published?

I got it published through American Book Publishing.

Which do you find leads you to your best work: your triumphs or your tragedies?

I find that it is often a marriage of both triumphs and tragedies, but if pressed I would say tragedies.

Do you write from joy or pain?

A little of both honestly. It really depends on what the content of the book requires.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

My brother and long-time girlfriend as they have both maintained support and criticism throughout my professional career.

Do you read for pleasure? If so, what kind of books do you like to read?

I do read for pleasure and it is often genre-bending fiction that challenges existing prototype novels. I do love The Road and anything McCarthy writes.

What has been the most significant book you've read (or listened to, if you were a small child) in your life?

I would say The Prophet by Gibran or perhaps A Wrinkle in Time. They both had a profound effect on my later writing and ideas about how books should be written.

A Wrinkle in Time is one of my all-time favorites! What project(s) are you currently working on?

I am working on getting my existing 8 novels into print as well as working on a shooting script for a film project. I already have 4 more novels set up, so needless to say I am going to stay busy.

Thank you, Dan, for taking the time to visit us today, and good luck with your novels!

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