
Friday, August 20, 2010

Pagan Spirits Interview and Book Giveaway with Eternal Press Author Cate Masters

Please welcome my special guest today, Eternal Press author Cate Masters. Ask Cate a question or leave her a comment for a chance to win one of her books!

Q: What was the name of the first book you wrote? How did you get it published?

A: The first book I wrote, Orion Rising, was never published, though I had some interest from agents. I haven’t quite given up on it, but reading it now, I can see it needs revisions, though it’s essentially a good story.

Q: Which do you find leads you to your best work: your triumphs or your tragedies? Do you write from joy or pain?

A: I write because I can’t turn off my brain. Story premises leap out from almost anywhere, and I find myself wondering, What if… Eventually, I have to write it all down or my head would explode, lol. I do like to explore people’s dark psychological sides, what makes them tick, but I also like to write stories from which I hope readers will come away feeling good about themselves, or the world in general.

Q: Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

A: So many people, really, from my critique partners who encourage and teach me, to other authors who inspire me. Of anyone, I’d have to say my husband, who’s been my biggest supporter, in every way. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be able to devote the time and energy to writing I currently do.

Q: Do you read for pleasure? If so, what kind of books do you like to read?

A: My writing reflects my eclectic tastes. I love to read any well-told, engaging story, in any genre. On my nightstand TBR pile right now you’ll find anything from David Sedaris to Natasha Mostert to Stieg Larsson (I had to know what the fuss was all about!) to Linda Robertson and Gena Showalter. And more. :)

Q: What has been the most significant book you've read (or listened to, if you were a small child) in your life?

A: The first books that really knocked my socks off were The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I fell into that amazingly detailed world, and in love with its complex characters. It began a love affair not only with fantasy, but books in general.

Q: What project(s) are you currently working on?

A: I have a backlog of stories needing attention, as usual. Some are contemporary, some historical, but the ones I’m focusing on now are fantasy. I have what I hope is a cool series in mind called The Goddess Connection, and recently finished the first book, The Magic of Lavender. Each story links that book’s heroine to a different goddess, and the series theme is that every woman deserves to be treated like a goddess.

Of my six releases this year, three were with Eternal Press: Fever Dreams, a contemporary romance novel with fantasy elements; Winning, a short contemporary mainstream with magic realism elements, and Follow the Stars Home, a Native American historical romance novel following two Lakota sent to the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in my former town of Carlisle, Pa.

Excerpts, trailers and reviews are on my web site at, and readers can keep up to date with my news, or learn about other authors’ work, on my blog:

I’d love to give away a PDF of any of these three releases – winner’s choice!

Thanks so much for having me as a guest, Erin! It’s been a real pleasure.


  1. Hi Erin! Thanks for the reminder, I had my dates mixed up. :0 Thanks again for having me here!

  2. Have you ever created a character based on a real life person in your life?

  3. Cate -
    Great interview - I found the link on your blog and came on over. I would love to win one of your books. Thanks.

  4. Hi Patrick! No, I never use real characters, only names, sometimes places associated with people.

  5. Thanks for coming over Beverly! You are definitely in the running. :)

  6. I read the blurbs on all your books and the all seem like a good read. Good luck.


  7. How wonderful to spread your wings into many genres. I admire you for that. All of your books sound like winners to me.
    I wish you much success with them all. Keep writing.

  8. It's awesome that you are involved in so many genres. I have to agree with the Lord of the Rings. It's one of the books that got me really into reading.

    When I saw your blog post today I was afraid I had already missed it. A terrible storm came through yesterday evening with 74 mph winds and knocked out my power. I just got it back. I would love to win one of your books if the contest is still open. Thanks!


  9. Thanks so much, Loretta, Lorrie and Becca! I appreciate the kind words.

  10. Do you think your books would transfer to the silver screen?

  11. Thank you, Cate, for being my special guest. Thank you to all who took the time to comment and contribute questions. This was a fun chat.

    Becca/Becky, you're my winner. Please send your e-mail address and your choice of e-book to me at I'll forward it to Cate.

  12. Oh yeah, Archivegeek! My stories play like movies in my head while I write. I've started a new series on my blog called Casting Call to show who played in my version. I hope you'll check it out sometime:

    Thanks again for having me, Erin!
    Congrats Becca, I look forward to your email. Just let me know which story you'd like and I'll attach it to my reply email.
